Wednesday 14 October 2009

Session 1: My first mobile phone

My first mobile phone was a birthday present for my birthday 13 of my parents. I was very exciting because I had asked a long time. This phone was very basic, the screen was black and white, the songs how ringtone was very boring. Today my phone is very different, with color screen, more songs for ringtone, internet connection, music, lots of games, radio, and I can connect it to the computer. What I like about the mobile phones is that I can communicate with all my family and friends from anywhere and anytime. I use it every day, always carry it with me all the places I go. Without this device we haven`t an efficient communication in the day to day, would cost us more to know about the people who live more far and have more difficulties to comunicate with the people close and communicate with them for different activities. For these reasons I consider myself a technological person because it would be hard to not communicate all the day with my friends and family and know all the time where are they.


  1. Hi Dani!!

    Good blog, good pictures about horses :D
    I too like a lot my cell phone, you can do a lot of things with it, but less things that with the computer xD that is my favourite piece of technology.
    However, you forgot a very sepcial function of the mobile phone, that is that you can take pictures :D and is very important, at least for me jajajajaj because you never know when you need to take a picture :P

    See you in the U, Bye :)

  2. Hi Daniiiiiiiiiii :)

    I really like the cell phone because it also can listen to music
    and talk with my friends :)
    good choice:)
    I see you in the University , bye, because

  3. hi danii.. yes!!!1
    the movil phone is a really important for the comunication,
    life is impossible without this device.

    kiss, bye!!

  4. Hello dani!

    I think the same. The cellphone is very important to me, because I can be comunicated and the most important, I can see the time. I feel naked when I forgot my cellphone in my house. I see you in he class!. Bye

  5. Dani!
    Is so true all that you say, but I don't like that everyone can know where I'm all the time, sometimes I need feel disconnected.
    Another thing that catch my attention of your post is how has changed the technology until today.
    I liked read it, take care
