Sunday 8 November 2009

Session 3: My favourite Website

Actually I'm not very fan of internet, it is not essential in my life, but in the course of this year I used much of the university site,, which is very useful. The first time that I used this website was beginning of year and then I have not stopped, because it is very necessary to keep up with all the news in connection with the university. I allows me to download material from the classes I had and support material that up-loading my university colleagues, like photos, videos and more information of the item being viewed in class. Besides it helps to clarify doubts thanks to the chat where I talk with my teammates and sometimes with teachers. Finally on this page I can see my notes, very important point.
I like this website because it delivers information in the orderly and easy to handle, I think the University has done a good job with this page.

1 comment:

  1. Actually I'm not very fan of internet, it is not essential in my life, but in the course of this year I used much of the university site,, which is very useful. The first time that I used this website was ^ beginning of year and then I have not stopped, because it is very necessary to keep up with all the news in connection with the university. SP I allows me to download material from the classes I had and support material that up-loading my university colleagues, like photos, videos and more information of the item being viewed in class. Besides it helps to clarify doubts thanks to the chat where I talk with my teammates and sometimes with teachers. Finally on this page I can see my notes, very important point.
    I like this website because it delivers information in the orderly and easy to handle, I think the University has done a good job with this page.
    Posted by danieli// at 20:03 0 comments

    i agree, it's such a useful website...
    p.s. you got a 6
    FRIDAY, 16 OCTOBER 2009
    Session 2: My favorite picture

    At first I don’t know that picture choose because I wanted to put a picture that it is relevant to my blog, namely, with the horses. Then, I remembered that I had this picture long ago when I was ten years ago or less. My father photographed me after riding for a long, he ? sack this photo under some nice trees in the "Escuela Militar". This picture shows many things for me. In the first place, I am with my horse named "Tumbao", which was one of my first WF horse and I loved him very much. Also, the picture shows the relationship between me and “Tumbao”. I want this connection forever with this horse and all other, a close relationship with trust and friendship above all.
    Finally this picture is very special because it marks a stage in my life, my childhood. In other words, for me this picture is beautiful!!
    Posted by danieli// at 18:14 4 comments

    nice horse, very sweet..
    p.s. you got a 5.7
    Session 1: My first mobile phone

    My first mobile phone was a birthday present for my birthday 13 of my parents. I was very WF exciting because I had asked a long time. This phone was very basic, the screen was black and white, the songs how ringtone was very boring. Today my phone is very different, with color screen, more songs for ringtone, internet connection, music, lots of games, radio, and I can connect it to the computer. What I like about the mobile phones is that I can communicate with all my family and friends from anywhere and anytime. I use it every day, always carry it with me all the places I go. Without this device we haven`t an efficient communication in the day to day, would cost us more to know about the people who live WF more far and have more difficulties to comunicate with the people close and communicate with them for different activities. For these reasons I consider myself a technological person because it would be hard to not communicate all the day with my friends and family and know all the time where are they.

    mobile are really important nowadays...
    p.s. you got a 55.
